UltraEdit 에서 ASCII 코드 보기

Posted by Programmer™
2023. 9. 28. 09:40 카테고리 없음


울트라에디트 Version 에서 아스키 코드 테이블을 볼려면 아래 그림처럼


Layout 에서 ASCII table 을 선택해주면 됩니다.





그러면 오른쪽에 표시가 됩니다.



UltraEdit 정규식

Posted by Programmer™
2018. 2. 4. 20:07 카테고리 없음

텍스트 파일을 편집하다가 보면 특정 단어가 들어있는 줄을 삭제하고자 할때가 있다.

크기가 얼마 안되는 경우 수작업으로 할수도 있지만 파일크기가 큰 경우엔 일일이 수작업으로 하기엔 벅차다.

이 때 정규식을 사용하면 쉽게 할 수 있다.

아래 그림은 ipfilter.dat 의 파일 내용이다. Level1을 의미하는 [L1] 이 들어있는 줄을 전부 지우고자 한다.

먼저 마우스로 긁어서 아래 그림처럼 작업할려는 줄을 선택해준다.


Ctrl + R 키를 눌러서 Find what: 에

^.*L1.*\p 를 입력한다. Selected text 를 선택해주고 Regular expressions: 에 체크표시를 해준다.

정규식은 Perl, Unix, UltraEdit 중에서 하나를 선택할 수 있다.

그리고 마지막으로 Replace all 을 클릭한다.

아래 그림은 위 정규식 작업 결과이다. 보시는 것처럼 [L1] 이 들어있는 줄은 전부 삭제되었다.



Regular Expressions (Unix Syntax): 




Indicates the next character has a special meaning.  "n" on it's own matches the character "n".  "\n" matches a linefeed or newline character.  See examples below (\d, \f, \n etc).


Matches/anchors the beginning of line.


Matches/anchors the end of line.


Matches the preceding single character/character set zero or more times.


Matches one or more of the preceding single character/character set.  At least one occurrence of the preceding character or one of the characters in preceding character set must be found.

Matches any single character except a newline character.  Does not match repeated newlines.


Brackets or tags an expression to use in the replace command.  A regular expression may have up to 9 tagged expressions, numbered according to their order in the regular expression.
The corresponding replacement expression is \x, for x in the range 1-9.  Example: If (h.*o) (f.*s) matches "hello folks", \2 \1 would replace it with "folks hello".


A character set.  Matches any characters between brackets.


A negative character set.  Matches any characters NOT between brackets including newline characters.


Matches a digit character.  Equivalent to [0-9].


Matches a nondigit character.  Equivalent to [^0-9].


Matches a form-feed character.


Matches a linefeed character.


Matches a carriage return character.


Matches any whitespace including space, tab, form-feed, etc but not newline.


Matches any non-whitespace character but not newline.


Matches a tab character.


Matches a vertical tab character.


Matches any alphanumeric character including underscore.


Matches any character except alphanumeric characters and underscore.


Matches CR/LF (same as \r\n) to match a DOS line terminator.


UltraEdit v23.0.0.43 (Windows XP 지원 안함)

Posted by Programmer™
2016. 3. 1. 00:32 Utility

UltraEdit v23.0.0.43 ( 30일 평가판 )

SHA1: 0bd52b62e17c2ac32999060af1aa9bc1b74d2aad

CRC32: af2efa62






UltraEdit v23.00 Changes (2016-02-18)

  • Built new menu, toolbar and ribbon interface from the ground up
  • Added high resolution graphics
  • Added support for 4k UltraHD displays
  • Further optimized to increase startup time
  • Added the ability to minimize the new ribbon
  • Added the ability to decrease the ribbon’s height with Compact mode
  • Addressed an issue that cause the filter setting for spell checker not working anymore for C/C++
  • Addressed a rare issue that cause an infinite loop during a find operation
  • Addressed special circumstances that caused the status bar to fail to refresh
  • Addressed an issue where the line change indicator was shown outside of selection after UE regex Replace All in Selected Text
  • Addressed an issue causing Russian spell check dictionary not to work with Russian (UTF-8) text
  • Addressed an issue where double clicking Find in Open Files results from unnamed "Edit1" file caused a "File not found" error
  • Addressed an issue where column selection didn't work as expected
  • Addressed an issue where trying to upgrade to 64-bit UltraEdit caused Sharing Violation error
  • Additional minor graphical enhancements
  • Addressed an issue where installing on Windows 10 machines may cause the installer to produce sharing violation errors
  • Addressed an issue where the selection can be changed incorrectly when adding text
  • Addressed an issue causing the Javascript function list to no longer work due to changes in the wordfile
  • Resolved an issue causing the UE installer to fail to detect an installation of 64-bit UC
  • Resolved an issue where the 64-bit UE installer downloaded and installed the 32-bit version of UltraCompare
  • Added installer message warning that v23 would overwrite existing customizations

UltraEdit v22.10.0.10 (released 2015-06-08)

Posted by Programmer™
2015. 7. 10. 00:30 Utility





UltraEdit v22.10.0.10 (released 2015-06-08)  30일 평가판


ue_english_v22.10.0.10 (2015-06-08).part1.rar


ue_english_v22.10.0.10 (2015-06-08).part2.rar


ue_english_v22.10.0.10 (2015-06-08).part3.rar


ue_english_v22.10.0.10 (2015-06-08).part4.rar


ue_english_v22.10.0.10 (2015-06-08).part5.rar