Q208048 SmartApp.exe Accesses SMART Stats in IDE Drives

Posted by Programmer™
2022. 3. 11. 10:33 카테고리 없음

The information in this article applies to:

 - Microsoft Win32 Device Driver Kit (DDK), on platform(s):
    - Microsoft Windows 98 
    - Microsoft Windows 95 



SmartApp.exe is a sample Win32 application that demonstrates how to access the
SMART (Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) capabilities built
into IDE disk drives.

SMART technology is used to monitor disk drive degradation, in an effort to
predict future catastrophic disk failure. For more information about SMART
technology, see the REFERENCES section at the end of this article.

While this article primarily centers on using SMART technology with Windows 95
and Windows 98, it also includes information about how to modify SmartApp.exe to
work with Windows NT and Windows 2000.




The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software





Release Date: Feb-04-1999


For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


   Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

   FileName                Size

   SMARTAPP.C              17776
   SMARTAPP.H               1613
   SMART.H                  9857
   SMARTAPP.DOC            74240



SmartApp.exe is a console application that you run from a DOS command prompt. You
should set up your command prompt window for 43 or 50 lines or direct the
program's output report to a file (for example, type SmartApp.exe
>c:\print.txt) because SmartApp.exe can report over 25 lines of text data.
Following is a sample report produced by SmartApp.exe:


SMARTVSD opened successfully
   bVersion        = 1
   bRevision       = 2
   fCapabilities   = 0x7
   bReserved       = 0x0
   bIDEDeviceMap   = 0x1
   cbBytesReturned = 24
SMART Enabled on Drive: 0
   cbBytesReturned: 12
Drive 0 is an IDE Hard drive that supports SMART
   #Cylinders: 4960, #Heads: 16, #Sectors per Track: 63
      bFeaturesReg     = 0x0
      bSectorCountReg  = 0x1
      bSectorNumberReg = 0x1
      bCylLowReg       = 0x0
      bCylHighReg      = 0x0
      bDriveHeadReg    = 0xA0
      Status           = 0x50
   Model number: WDC AC22500L
   Firmware rev: 40.44T40
   Serial number: WD-WM3493798728
   cbBytesReturned: 512
Data for Drive Number 0
Attribute Structure Revision          Threshold Structure Revision
             5                                      5
       -Attribute Name-      -Attribute Value-     -Threshold Value-
 1 Raw Read Error Rate              200                   51
 4 Start/Stop Count                 100                   40
 5 Reallocated Sector Count         200                   0
 A Spin Retry Count                 100                   51
 B Calibration Retry Count          100                   51
C7 (Unknown attribute)              200                   0
C8 (Unknown attribute)              100                   51

The Attribute fields are defined (and refined) solely by the disk drive OEM
The source code (that is, Smart.h, SmartApp.h, and SmartApp.c) was compiled and
tested using Visual Studio with Microsoft VC++ 5.0 as a console application.



 - SMARTVSD packs the structures for the DeviceIoControl in and out buffers
   differently from the default packing used by MSVC. The application needs to
   specify #pragma pack(1) to get the structure packing to match SMARTVSD.

 - SMARTVSD subtracts 1 from the size of the SENDCMDOUTPARAMS when it validates
   the size of the SENDCMDOUTPARAMS passed to it by the application. Using the
   above packing, the size of the structure in the SMART VSD doc would be 17
   bytes long. SMARTVSD apparently compares the buffer size passed in
   DeviceIoControl to 16. This is presumably to discount the variable size
   buffer array at the end of the structure, which is defined as 1 byte long in
   the docs. The sizes of the SENDCMDINPARAMS and SENDCMDOUTPARAMS structures
   specified in the DeviceIoControl call should not include the variable size
   buffers located at the end of each structure.



To compile SmartApp.exe for Windows NT or Windows 2000, comment out or delete the
following line located at the beginning of SmartApp.c:

   #define WINDOWS9X   // Define this to compile for Windows 9x

For Windows NT and Windows 2000, the IOCTL call for SMART_GET_VERSION always
returns a bIDEDeviceMap value of 1. You must select the target physical drive
using the CreateFile() function. Note that for Windows 95 and Windows 98, the
target physical drive is selected after inspecting bIDEDeviceMap. When the
symbol WINDOWS9X is not defined (for example, when you are compiling SMARTAPP
for the Windows NT or Windows 2000 environment), SMARTAPP currently only opens
and reports the first physical drive, using the following:


To view other drives, change the PhysicalDrive parameter to a value other than 0.
Note that you can also open a drive by specifying the drive letter. For




If opening SMARTVSD fails in Window 95 or Windows 98, one of the following might
be the cause:

 - You are using the original version of Windows 95, which does not support
   SMART (the SDI_506.PDR port driver does not contain IDE PASSTHROUGH

 - SMARTVSD.VXD is not installed in the \windows\system\iosubsys directory.

 - You did not restart after installing SMARTVSD.VXD.

 - Your filesystem is running in Compatibility Mode (see the System Properties
   dialog box, click the Performance tab). This means that the protected mode
   IOS subsystem, containing SMARTVSD, is being bypassed.

 - Your system does not have any IDE drives. ESDI_506.PDR does not remain
   resident if there are no IDE drives.

 - Your IDE drives are using a third-party SCSI miniport driver instead of
   Microsoft's ESDI_506 driver.

 - Windows 98 inadvertently omitted SMARTVSD.

If SMARTVSD opens, but you fail to get meaningful data, the IDE drive might not
support SMART (especially older drives).




 - How does IDE hardware report that it supports SMART functionality?

   This information is described in detail in the ATA3 or ATA4 specifications
   (see References at the end of this article). Specifically, Word 82 Bit 0 in
   the Identify Device structure indicates the drive supports SMART.

 - How does SMARTVSD communicate with the hard drive(s)?

   SMARTVSD is an IOS layered-hierarchy VSD (Vendor Supplied Driver). At the
   "top" side, SMARTVSD provides the DeviceIoControl functionality to
   communicate with WIN32 applications. At the "bottom" side, SMARTVSD
   communicates with the IDE device driver (ESDI_506.PDR) using an API called
   IDE Passthrough.

   IDE Passthrough was added to the OPK1 version (and later) of Windows 95. For
   additional information about this mechanism, please see the following
   article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   Q196550 HOWTO: Access IDE Controller Registers Using IDE Passthrough
   You can use IDE Passthrough to read or write the IDE controller's registers,
   from your own IOS layer VSD (Vendor Supplied Driver).






   SFF-8035i (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, Version 1.0 May
   3, 1995)

   INF-8055i (S.M.A.R.T. Applications Guide for the ATA and SCSI interfaces)










Check out the web sites of companies that manufacture IDE drives, such as Western
Digital, IBM, and Seagate to obtain additional manufacturer-specific information
about SMART technology.





Q252215: SMART Capability Available for Released Version of Windows 95

AutoCAD 2008 (64비트 XP와 Vista를 지원하는 최초 버전)

Posted by Programmer™
2022. 2. 20. 00:07 Utility

AutoCAD 2008의 시스템 요구사항

제품 및 버전 포함
AutoCAD 2008

회사 이름:

2014년 11월 2일


This article provides the system requirements for AutoCAD 2008.


32-bit AutoCAD

  • Intel® Pentium® 4 processor, 2.2 GHz Recommended
  • Microsoft® Windows Vista™, Windows® XP Home and Professional (SP2), Windows® 2000 (SP4)
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 750 MB free disk space for installation
  • 1024x768 VGA with True Color
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6.0 (SP1 or higher)
  • Available on CD (Worldwide) and DVD (select countries and languages)

Additional System Requirements for 64-bit AutoCAD

  • Windows XP Professional x64 Edition and Windows Vista 64-bit
  • AMD64 or Intel EM64T processor
  • 1GB RAM, 2GB for Windows Vista 64-bit
  • 750 MB free disk space for installation
  • AutoCAD 64-bit cannot be installed on a 32-bit Windows Operating System.

The System requirements for Windows Vista or 3D modeling (32 and 64-bit AutoCAD)

  • Intel® 3.0 GHz or greater
  • 2 GB RAM or greater
  • 2 GB free hard disk available not including installation
  • 1280 x 1024 32-bit color video display adapter (True Color) 128 MB or greater, OpenGL®, or Direct3D® capable workstation class graphics card. 
  • For Windows Vista, a Direct3D capable workstation class graphics card with 128 MB or greater is required.


Autodesk Revit 2008 제품들의 시스템 요구 사항

제품 및 버전 포함

회사 이름:

2015년 1월 15일


This document provides the system requirements for the Autodesk Revit 2008 products.


Autodesk Revit 2008 Product System Requirements

System Requirements:

  • Intel® Pentium® 4, 1.4 GHz, or equivalent AMD Athlon® processor
  • Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Enterprise, Business, Premium, or Ultimate; Windows® XP Professional, Home Edition, or Tablet PC Edition (SP1 or later); or Windows® 2000 (SP4)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 3 GB free disk space
  • 1280x1024 monitor and display adapter capable of 24-bit color
  • Internet connection for license registration
  • MS-Mouse compliant pointing device
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6.0 or later

System Recommendations:

  • Intel Core® 2 Duo 2.40 GHz, or equivalent AMD Athlon processor
  • Windows XP Professional (SP2 or later)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 5 GB free disk space
  • Dedicated video card with hardware support for OpenGL® spec 1.3 or later
  • Two-button mouse with scroll wheel


Understanding the differences between BIM and CAD

In simple terms, when using CAD for building design, you focus on creating drawings. When using BIM, you focus on creating a building model and then the drawings can be generated from the model.


What is BIM?

BIM is Building Information Modeling. It is an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals the insight and tools to efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure.


What is CAD?

CAD is Computer-Aided Design. CAD software provides technology for architects, engineers, and construction professionals to design and create precise 2D and 3D drawings, replacing manual drafting with an automated process.


What's the difference between Revit and AutoCAD?

The biggest difference is that AutoCAD is a CAD software and Revit is software for BIM. While AutoCAD is a general drawing tool with broad application, Revit is a design and documentation solution, supporting all phases and disciplines involved in a building project.

Revit is used to coordinate all data inputs (including CAD) and produce federated project deliverables. Both programs are often used within the same firm, with BIM and CAD specialists working on different elements of a project.


Are BIM and Revit the same?

BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information on a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle. The role of BIM is to gather and link data relating to the design, construction, and operation of a building to produce a comprehensive 3D model.

Revit is BIM software widely used by architects, engineers, and contractors to create a unified model that all disciplines and trades can use to complete their work. Autodesk Revit was created to support BIM and not to replace BIM. Revit hosts the information that forms the model from which drawings and documents are derived.

Greenfish Icon Editor Pro

Posted by Programmer™
2022. 2. 19. 06:21 Utility


한글을 지원하는 아이콘 편집기입니다.


포토샵과 흡사한 인터페이스를 가지고 있어서 포토샵 사용할 줄 아시는 분은 별 무리없이 바로 사용가능합니다.


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한글도 지원합니다.



다운로드 3.6 포터블 버전 (includes source)





Greenfish Icon Editor Pro 3.6 - Greenfish Software Official Website

Oct 6, 2021  •  Share: Facebook  •  Twitter Greenfish Icon Editor Pro (GFIE Pro) is a powerful open source image editor, especially suitable for creating icons, cursors, animations and icon libraries. Open source (GPL v3), yet has a clean and intui



Dell Latitude D430

Posted by Programmer™
2022. 1. 3. 08:19 Hardware


등록월: 2008.10



광고에는 최대 3GB 메모리를 지원한다고 나와있는데 잘못된 광고입니다.

슬롯 하나에 1GB 를 추가하여 총 2GB 까지 지원합니다. 직접 테스트해 본 결과 2GB 짜리 메모리는 지원하지 않습니다.


BIOS 업데이트시 배터리가 없으면 "The AC adapter and Battery must both be connected, before flashing the BIOS" 라고 메시지가 나오면서 BIOS 업데이트가 되지 않습니다.

이럴때는 명령프롬프트 창에서 강제로 업데이트 해주어야 합니다.


D430_A08.EXE  /forceit


윈도우가 종료되고 재부팅되면서 자동으로 BIOS 업데이트가 시작됩니다.