PowerShell 버전 확인
$PSVersionTable 를 입력하면 됩니다.
$PSVersionTable 를 입력하면 됩니다.
Windows 10 Version 1903 (Updated July 2019) MSDN
OS Build: 18362.239.19h1_release_svc_prod1.190628-1641
FILE: ko_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_updated_july_2019_x64_dvd_6528a88f.iso
SIZE: 4.63GB (4,972,947,456 bytes)
MD5: 44C7671262D47864A26498BED396283C
SHA-1: A51832F49A02FB41E0B56B6BF4BE01A237893BF9
SHA-256: 58C9B8953732B821EB57E3264BE03724B0C1090D9AED588BC744FDD2CACD8B7E
FILE: ko_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_updated_july_2019_x86_dvd_3ac3ada4.iso
SIZE: 3.28GB (3,522,654,208 bytes)
CRC32: 293232EC
MD5: DC642041334078AC73855B00B17F4C3E
SHA-1: 39BBEF8012D955CF2CF463D14EEC3AE955C9FC4C
SHA-256: C469B9A2E550E915F11B62B60E8B18075BADDFC60CEF3391EC9E93B530BB98EA
FILE: ko_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_updated_july_2019_x64_dvd_018e0a1c.iso
SIZE: 4.57GB (4,909,647,872 bytes)
CRC32: 51A04F32
MD5: 3DD7B38A7EC5AB8094E9AA61D33E0DA7
SHA-1: 461E9FE88B439F7E71AA2B760CEB275E3CB6F5E9
SHA-256: 2A03FDF3D1C37E1F5D18F4DBE34B97304D842BF686AF3F97525D5A8B3C54705F
FILE: ko_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_updated_july_2019_x86_dvd_13d790bb.iso
SIZE: 3.23GB (3,471,171,584 bytes)
CRC32: 67B3DD38
MD5: 370CE703F08570DDAD65DF5240F6DDE8
SHA-1: 806483EF0C70B4F46950BF5A05963E0FB13F3B0B
SHA-256: 3BE48C16150A207073E38FC8404690DA675A5365C63D95FE4A7B22D4BBFBFA2B
Windows 10 Version 1809 (Updated July 2019) MSDN
OS Build: 17763.615.rs5_release_svc_prod1.190630-1301
FILE: ko_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1809_updated_july_2019_x64_dvd_d1ed1b85.iso
SIZE: 4.88GB (5,244,751,872 bytes)
MD5: 4ECE2A28418DDDBD1D40C60E177FF09D
SHA-1: CCFEF40BA8A6771163B6762D6FB2CA76EC85AAFA
SHA-256: 9CA671EDE0BFB03B48813A6B9C50D3A3A563003E57C829347C9B99BC3F00918B
FILE: ko_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1809_updated_july_2019_x86_dvd_423e24de.iso
SIZE: 3.43GB (3,693,410,304 bytes)
CRC32: 115228CC
MD5: 4DD873C7A07A448DE71F78326837FC58
SHA-1: 0C5BBC74960D14599ED1AA0091408494B3F2BA76
SHA-256: C7B7C279BB2627AEAEBCDFBF0CF01B5FCC41FF7DEB023A6B28E350637D77209B
FILE: ko_windows_10_business_editions_version_1809_updated_july_2019_x64_dvd_8e315861.iso
SIZE: 4.80GB (5,163,460,608 bytes)
CRC32: A4562751
MD5: 5E9B2A404D24E6800C9E1A6520C84B46
SHA-1: FA582837F9BE3B5582B245EA334D521E3B4FD94D
SHA-256: B6779386E97066741BE98F785AE8D45EA18A06B3D8D902C9079CEFF371EA9460
FILE: ko_windows_10_business_editions_version_1809_updated_july_2019_x86_dvd_fd6ee5ee.iso
SIZE: 3.37GB (3,625,472,000 bytes)
CRC32: F64C2EE3
MD5: 9C075DB75713DAEA47C9520CF85D5717
SHA-1: 707808098B89CCD831F92FB436BB5748D51885F4
SHA-256: 7397946330F9D487C80CDF73D6D2CF2125D4790DD129892486DF8443F4FB3D47
Windows 10 Version 1803 (Updated July 2019) MSDN
OS Build: 17134.885.rs4_release_svc_prod1.190703-1836
FILE: ko_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1803_updated_july_2019_x64_dvd_abdebb45.iso
SIZE: 4.77GB (5,129,310,208 bytes)
CRC32: 4B48C992
MD5: 826B6D2C42A6B474008C28082256E028
SHA-1: 8D8692358A82421F03DC383A65317C7529C82329
SHA-256: 6ECB26A97B0E7E36B9BDA968C656F68AE95E8A730BB34ACC4CDCA3D0B44280B4
FILE: ko_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1803_updated_july_2019_x86_dvd_b08e3400.iso
SIZE: 3.68GB (3,957,286,912 bytes)
CRC32: 06502ED6
MD5: AB9A63A756A73FE3BA46D33AE467A120
SHA-1: 428823E1B3BF80F03C27897730DC8CA4DDE0EEC3
SHA-256: 6456DF4E2F503B725B9E24C70ECDA715F769429DBD3D80775AC7188676E96EB3
FILE: ko_windows_10_business_editions_version_1803_updated_july_2019_x64_dvd_5cdb020e.iso
SIZE: 4.75GB (5,101,899,776 bytes)
CRC32: 6937C025
MD5: B592907E78831692697C3C92BAC8BE74
SHA-1: 4AAE6406BAD10920E2086ED13E79603F86C75FA4
SHA-256: A96AC203611087CF1F80078C507B09EA47C5414522560BC9D4CF027A858B9FA3
FILE: ko_windows_10_business_editions_version_1803_updated_july_2019_x86_dvd_edafc91e.iso
SIZE: 3.71GB (3,986,972,672 bytes)
CRC32: C9E19563
MD5: F3744794B9DCCD678BF974F6F3280536
SHA-1: 7BBB3FF9C41870E282D8E94B605FEBFB45EFE8B3
SHA-256: 0B2051538A033D8506972036AFF2B1AE8ED43B143E75AEE324CC539AFD26B9F7
One of the main reasons why you would want to collect installed drivers is if you don’t have the Driver CD that came with the computer or they are unavailable online. This comes in quite handy if you purchase a computer and want to backup the initial set of drivers. It can be quite difficulty for example to find drivers for hardware installed in a notebook if the operating system has to be setup again. Luckily Double Driver can now lend you a hand with that and save you a lot of time.
Double Driver is a very simple and useful tool which not only allows you to view all the drivers installed on your system but also allows you to backup, restore, save and print all chosen drivers.
Double Driver analyzes your system and lists the most important driver details such as version, date, provider, etc. All drivers that are found can easily be backed up the application and easily restored at a later point in one go.
Double Driver is freeware. Feel free to use and give this program to anyone you know. Your donation or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
dd410.zip SHA1: 7d979d4831d111da1f63a74769347cbdc781e26f CRC32: 0ff9b135
> |
major changes |
+ |
added |
^ |
updated |
~ |
improved |
! |
bug fixed/removed |
^ |
Ability to resize main dialog |
~ |
Option to by-pass elevated mode |
! |
Fixed: false positive from Avira (dd.dll) |
> |
New engine: faster, removed dependencies (7-zip32.dll and msvbvm60.dll) |
> |
New Command-Line Interface (CLI) application (support command and switches) |
> |
New Graphical User Interface (GUI) in all dialogs |
> |
New Device Driver Installation Wizard |
~ |
Ability to back-up non-live/non-booting Windows |
아주 오랫만에 VMWare에 Windows 7 Starter 에디션을 설치하였습니다.
설치후 제일 먼저 할 일은 인터넷 익스플로러 11 로 업데이트 해주는 것입니다.
그리고, Windows Update 를 들어가면 다음 화면을 만나게 됩니다.
시작 버튼을 눌러 프로그램및 파일 검색에 services.msc를 입력합니다.
마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭하여 관리자 권한으로 실행을 선택합니다.
아래 3가지 서비스를 모두 중지시킵니다.
다음으로 아래 두 폴더를 삭제해줘야 합니다.
C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution C:\Windows\System32\catroot2
전부 삭제된 상태입니다.
전부 삭제된 상태입니다.
이제 아래 2개의 윈도우 업데이트를 다운로드하여 설치해줍니다.
Windows Update Client for Windows 7: June 2015
Installing and searching for updates is slow and high CPU usage occurs in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
설치가 끝나면 재부팅을 합니다.
이제 다시 3개의 서비스를 시작해줍니다.
그리고 제어판에서 Windows Update 를 합니다.
업데이트 확인을 클릭합니다.
이제 업데이트가 표시되는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.