F19 Stealth Fighter Simulator Quick Reference
Doc File and Crack by The Grand Elusion

Note: The real manual for this game is 120 pages long, I have heard. This
file is meant to be a quick keyboard reference and is from my observations
playing the game. It is similar in controls to Microprose' other simulator,
Flight Directional Control is by ALL 8 Numeric keypad directions (or Joystick)
<Ins> sets 3 levels of keyboard sensitivity, 1 is fine control, 3 is coarse.
Important Flight Controls: (number keys on top of kbd)
1 - Release Flares
2 - Release Chaff
3 - Infrared Jamming On/Off Toggle
4 - ECM Jamming On/Off Toggle
5 - Release Decoy
6 - Landing Gear Up/Dn Toggle
7 - Autopilot (guided to waypoint) On/Off Toggle
8 - Weapon Bay Doors Open/Closed Toggle
9 - Flaps Up/Down Toggle
0 - Brakes (Air and Ground) On/Off Toggle
<-> (white minus) Throttle Decrease
<+> (white plus) Throttle Increase
Shifted Letters that apply:
Z - Accel On - Afterburners??
X - Accel Off
Important Instrumentation Controls: (unshifted Function keys)
<F1> - Return to Cockpit View
<F2> - Select Air-Air, Air-Ground, or Navigational HUD Mode
<F3> - Toggle Map/Tactical Display on Left Screen
<F4> - Select Friend/Foe Database for Right Screen
<F5> - Select Weapons Stores for Right Screen
<F6> - Select Damage Control Report for Right Screen
<F7> - Select Waypoint on Right Screen (Displayed if Map is on Left Screen)
<F8> - Change Waypoint on Right Screen (not sure how this works, exactly)
<F9> - Select ILS HUD when in range of ILS equipped runway
<F10>- Select Mission Orders display on Right Screen
Unshifted Letters that apply:
z - Zoom Map or Tactical Display In
x - Zoom Map or Tactical Display Out
Important Weapons Controls:
<Space> - Select Active Weapon Bay
<BackSpace> - Fire Guns (also Joystick button #1)
<Return> - Fire Missile (also Joystick button #2)
Unshifted Letters that apply:
</> - Tracking Camera Forward View
<.> - Tracking Camera Rear View
<,> - Tracking Camera Right View
m - Tracking Camera Left View
n - Tracking Camera Forward View (Alternate?)
b - Tracking Camera Forward View (Alternate?)
Important View Controls: (shifted letters and Function keys)
<Shift> - <F1> - View from Behind and Above (Tower??)
<Shift> - <F2> - Nose Camera View (?)
<Shift> - <F3> - Right Side Tracking View
<Shift> - <F4> - Chase Plane View
<Shift> - <F5> - Rear View without gear or shadow (wierd)
<Shift> - <F6> - Rear View with gear and shadow (also wierd)
Shifted Letters that apply: (out of cockpit views)
<?> - Front View
<>> - Rear View
<<> - Right Wing
<M> - Left Wing
Unshifted Letters that apply:
<c> - Toggle 2X Zoom on HUD
Other Miscellaneous Important Controls: (ALT-Keys)
<Alt> - <B> - Boss Key
<Alt> - <J> - Jump to action
<Alt> - <I> - similar to ALT-J
<Alt> - <D> - Toggle 3 levels of Visual Detail
<Alt> - <N> - Night/Day Toggle
<Alt> - <P> - Pause game until key hit
<Alt> - <Q> - Quit Game to DOS
<Alt> - <T> - Training Mode Toggle
<Alt> - <V> - Toggle 4 levels of Sound Effects
and finally, last but not least:
<Shift> - <F10> - Pilot Eject
General Play Notes:
To take off, advance throttle to full with white <+> key, then release brakes
with the white <0> key. F19 has an incredibly short takeoff distance. Stall
speed seems to be somewhere around 120-150 MPH. No-Fuel Gliding is difficult
but glide time is fairly long, with moderate altitude (~10000 feet).
In flight, the waypoint system will be indicated on the compass HUD as an
arrow. If you select autopilot, it will home on that marker. Hitting <F7>
with the map display present (hit <F3> if it is not) will display your travel
along the waypoint route.
Combat is a little hairy. First, it is usually best to bring up your Tactical
Map with <F3>. Zoom in and out on that with <z> and <x>. If you see some-
thing worth blowing up, first you have to select the correct HUD mode with
<F2> to Air-Gnd or Air-Air (depending on whether it's a Ship/S.A.M. or a
MIG...). Next, make sure your bay doors are open with white <8>. Then when
it gets 4-5 grids on the Tactical Map away, your Tracking Camera can probably
lock in on it. The six keys <bnm,./> (unshifted lower row) control tracking
camera views. The forward view is the most useful (i'm not sure if you can
missile lock on things behind you or not) keep hitting the forward view
until it locks in on something. The Trackcam display will tell you stats
about what/who it is, and how far away it is (it helps if you study the weapon
descriptions so you know the effective ranges of the missiles). The trackcam
will lock in on different targets each time it is selected if more than one is
present in range. Also, the HUD Mode (Air-Gnd or Air-Air) will decide what
type of targets the trackcam will lock onto. The Database is worth looking
at, hit <F4> and you get more statistics about the enemy (armament, speed,
etc. will be displayed). Now, you have an image of the enemy (hopefully) on
the Trackcam display, so choose the weapon you want to use with <Space>. The
target will be boxed in on the HUD and on the tactical map with a colored box,
white for correct weapon not in range, black for incorrect weapon (like Air-
Gnd missiles on a plane, for example) and brown (in EGA anyway) when in range
but incorrect weapon. If you have the correct weapon and are in range, the
box pulls into a hexagon (sort of) and turns red. The Trackcam will also
indicate missile lock. Fire while you can!!! The HUD is not nearly as useful
for Air-Gnd usage, but if you use Mavericks (optical guided) or Laser Guided
bombs (like Rockeye II's), they are practically automatic. For multiple
"bogeys", Fire, then hit Trackcam forward view, and acquire a new target as
soon as possible. Then fire when in lock. Guns are straight-ahead firing
and pretty basic. No special HUD mode for it, and I can't figure out if the
NAV HUD does anything special.
After your mission is complete and you are heading toward a base, use the
autopilot to get you back to the vicinity of the airbase, then hit <F9> to
bring up the ILS HUD, and throttle back to about 50%. When on final approach
to the runway, drop Throttle to about 30-40%, hit white <6> to drop your gear,
and white <9> to drop the flaps. If your speed is too great, hit the brake
(white <0>) momentarily then again to disengage air braking. Use the cross-
hairs of the ILS (glide slope and localizer) to guide you horizontally and
vertically down to the runway. When you touch down kill the throttle and
hit the brakes again <0>. After a short pause it will end the mission.
If you run out of fuel you'll have to ditch it. Try to get as far out of
enemy territory as possible, and glide as long as you can before hitting
the eject <Shift>-<F10>. If you're captured, you'll create an international
The annoying but VERY accurate jet engine noise may be silenced with <Alt><V>.
노트북에서 실행할 때는 Throttle 키가 먹지 않으므로, F-19를 이륙시킬수가 없다.
따라서 DOSBOX에서 키보드를 리매핑시켜 주어야 한다.
Ctrl + F1 키를 눌러 적절한 키로 바꿔준후 Save 시킨다. DOSBOX 종료 후 다시 실행시키면 이제 Throttle 키가 먹는다.

F-19 Stealth Fighter Keyboard