Fujitsu S7021 BIOS 비프음 증상
아래 글은 PhoenixBIOS 에만 해당된다. Award, AMI 등의 바이오스는 별 도움이 되지 않으므로 다른 사이트를 참조하시기 바란다.
노트북 Fujitsu S7021의 경우 출고당시 300 만원에 가까웠던 명품이긴 하지만, 한가지 단점이 시스템 팬쿨러의 소음이 고질적인 문제이다. 6 개월 한번씩 쿨러에 기름을 쳐주지 않으면 굉음이 난다. 거기다가 쿨러가 특수형이래서 고장이라도 난다면 부품 구하기가 쉽지 않다. 한국에서 후지쯔가 철수했기 때문에 부품을 구하려면 이베이나 아마존으로 해외구매를 해야 한다. 필자도 쿨러가 소음이 심해서 분해하다가 한번 고장내 옥션에서 17,000원씩이나 주고 중고로 구매했다.
아래는 필자의 노트북의 바이오스 버전이다. (Phoenix BIOS Date : 2007/07/24 v1.08)
비프음 4번 - 메모리 접촉 불량 (메모리를 뺏다가 지우개로 금박부분 지우고 재장착 후 해결)
간혹 아무런 비프음도 나지 않으면서 화면이 나오지 않는 경우(오른쪽 상단의 어플리케이션 LED 와 전원 LED 는 불 들어옴 )가 있는데 이 경우도 메모리 탈착 후 재장착 하니 해결되었다.
1 Beep
A single beep from a Phoenix based BIOS is actually an "all systems clear" notification. Technically, it's an indication that the Power On Self Test is complete. No troubleshooting necessary!
1 Continuous Beep
One continuous beep isn't an officially listed Phoenix beep code but I know of several instances of this occurring. In at least one case, the solution was to reseat the CPU.필자의 경우 노트북 키보드 장착 에러인 경우 이 소리가 났다.
1 Short Beep, 1 Long BeepOne short beep followed by one long beep also isn't an officially listed Phoenix beep code but two readers have let me know about this one. In both cases, the problem was bad RAM which replacing obviously solved.1 Long Beep, 2 Short BeepsOne long beep followed by two short beeps indicates that there has been a checksum error. This means that there is some kind of motherboard issue. Replacing the motherboard should fix this problem.
1-1-1-1 Beep Code Pattern
Technically, a 1-1-1-1 beep code pattern doesn't exist but I've seen it and many readers have too. Most often, it's a problem with the system memory. This Phoenix BIOS issue is usually corrected by replacing the RAM.1-2-2-3 Beep Code PatternA 1-2-2-3 beep code pattern means that there has been a BIOS ROM checksum error. Literally, this would indicate an issue with the BIOS chip on the motherboard. Since replacing a BIOS chip is often not possible, this Phoenix BIOS issue is usually corrected by replacing the entire motherboard.
1-3-1-1 Beep Code PatternA 1-3-1-1 beep code pattern on a PhoenixBIOS system means that there has been an issue while testing the DRAM refresh. This could be a problem with the system memory, an expansion card, or the motherboard.
1-3-1-3 Beep Code PatternA 1-3-1-3 beep code pattern means that the 8742 keyboard controller test has failed. This usually means that there is a problem with the currently connected keyboard but it could also indicate a motherboard issue.
1-3-4-1 Beep Code PatternA 1-3-1-1 beep code pattern on a PhoenixBIOS system means that there is some kind of issue with the RAM. Replacing the system memory usually fixes this problem.
1-3-4-3 Beep Code PatternA 1-3-1-1 beep code pattern indicates some kind of issue with the memory. Replacing the RAM is the usual recommendation for solving this problem.
1-4-1-1 Beep Code PatternA 1-4-1-1 beep code pattern on a PhoenixBIOS system means that there is an issue with the system memory. Replacing the RAM usually fixes this problem.
2-1-2-3 Beep Code PatternA 2-1-2-3 beep code pattern means that there has been a BIOS ROM error, meaning an issue with the BIOS chip on the motherboard. This Phoenix BIOS issue is usually corrected by replacing the motherboard.
2-2-3-1 Beep Code PatternA 2-2-3-1 beep code pattern on a PhoenixBIOS system means that there has been an issue while testing hardware related to IRQs. This could be a hardware or misconfiguration problem with an expansion card or some kind of motherboard failure.